hiba murali

About me

Hi, I’m Hiba -- a customer-focused product designer with two degrees in computer engineering, and experience as a product manager. I have strong experience collaborating with cross-functional, multi-disciplinary teams, and love doing it too!

As someone who has always been in the tech industry, my multidisciplinary background makes it incredibly easy for me to wear multiple hats. My technical engineering background combined with my product management experience allows me to deeply connect with engineers, users, and other project stakeholders while working to create new features and products. This makes me an excellent fit at startups and small businesses that need to move fast, iterate on products, and ship results with small teams and little resources.

I excel in data-driven product development to solve user problems; I am versatile, creative, and driven -- once I'm working on a problem, I don't stop until I solve it.

Interested in working together? Contact me today!


Get my resume

Want to know more about my work experience? Check out my resume here.